I think this was a great article and was on point. My only issue is that it seems to me, sometimes women want to be financially taken care of, and judge a mans worthiness based on whether they will do all those traditional things, like pay for everything, but then still approach the relationship with a modern mindset of "equality " but they don't actually want that, they want their cake and to eat it too (such a dumb phrase but you get the meaning 😂)
Like so often I hear women say they'll never approach a man first or make an effort to let a man know they're interested, which I imagine comes from a mixture of trauma and the outdated values we've all been raised on, but I think mentally healthy people are okay being alone, men and women, so why do women a lot of the time feel like the burden of communicating is all on the man?
I think a lot of women say they want equality but for some reason still subscribe to the theory of ownership we saw in the past. I don't think women are as advanced when it comes to viewing relationships as they might be portrayed.
But great article, definitely agree there's a lot of changes necessary in the male mindset on relationships. Not trying to deflect at all but these are necessary discussions to be had about how big parties view relationships.