I try to stay away from this type of shit, especially regarding America's celebrity culture as a way to silence the masses into berating their own lack of ability to become rich and famous, so they ignore the fact this country is built on nepotism, racism, ageism, sexism, and all the other ism's baked into this pitiful excuse for a society that values human life.
The ability to take a piece of the pie and extrapolate it to assert your victimhood is a tactic seen by those addicted to the ignorance that is binary thought. Trying to ignore the whole of a situation to make sure that they appear right, because their personal feelings have been hurt.
Men telling women not to talk about men, women telling men not to talk about men, it's all idiocy. If a human has a reasonable and informed opinion on a human issue, then we should be intelligent enough and wise enough to recognize game no matter who it comes from. I think about this in regards to men talking about sexism, white people talking about racism, etc. Being a minority does not automatically make you right, nor does being in the majority automatically make you wrong.
If you're going to tell people not to talk about this, let it be because we have much bigger fish to fry than giving a fuck about celebrities who don't know we exist. If we're not going to talk about this, let it be because it holds no bearing on our ability to feed our families, keep a roof over our head, and our kids off the streets. Not because we are somehow not qualified to discuss this matter because of the random circumstance of our birth, even if we speak wisely and tactfully on the matter, sharing our opinion with the underlying value of compassion for all parties involved.
I think it sucks that Madonna succumbed to the insecurities of becoming an older human being in the public sphere. I think it sucks that we have created a society so bastardized by the pursuit of outside validation that so many human beings don't have the ability to love themselves, such that they avoid hurting themselves or using technology to change their appearance. The vanity that cuts through our society, also cuts against the ability to maintain proper mental health. And if you look anywhere around you, human beings, especially women but including men, desire to portray themselves as physically attractive is a lesson that insecurity about who we are is an indoctrination process of the American cult, an exercise in teaching people not to accept themselves and chase external validation that guarantees they will not reach the levels of happiness potentially available to them.
Yes, there are issues between men and women, races, ethnicities, all those other designations that have been created over the years. But the underlying problems are HUMAN issues. HUMAN issues of insecurity that manifest in different ways due to how society indoctrinates us with it's idiocy and pursuit of immoral values.