Lol if being aware of society's injustices and wanting to eliminate them and those who perpetuate then from society is a bad thing.... Then I aspire to be a very bad boy 😂
This article has potential in the right hands, but was poorly written in my opinion. I'm sure those who want to protect the status quo will validate it though. We do need to have more conversations about things rather than force feeding one side or the other, but that underlying idea was approached without tact and with clear bias. And not bias for the people who've been truly marginalized by society lol hate from any party to another is not cool and will not solve anything and it's definitely a nuanced conversation to have. Frankly, a conversation most people don't have the depth to truly have because they are so defensive of their own ideas of right and wrong. It is interesting how those who are done the most wrong by society are supposed show the most grace and be the nicest lol tactic of an abuser? 😂
It's interesting to me how many people of color will absorb and venerate white supremacist talking points. I did at one point in my life before I realized I was blindly defending systems, rather than defending human life. Systems of thought, systems of government, systems that have been chosen to be built and can be rebuilt in healthier ways. At the end of the day it's human rights that need to be defended. You can be biased all you want, but when you treat people poorly because of your bias, you're negatively affecting wider society now and it should be addressed. It's not beneficial for any party involved to hurt others with your discrimination. And it's funny how racists, sexists, classists and bigots want to play the victim when they are shunned for their views lol