Thank you so so much for writing this. The perversion of black people's traditional values (pre slavery) by the system of white supremacy serves as a barrier for freedom for us all. White supremacy revolves around ownership and personal power at the expense of cooperation and compromise. It is about hoarding resources for those you deem fit and allowing others to perish. The inherently violent nature of European conquest has modified the worldview to such that now even black people have been brainwashed to uphold the white supremacy enabling system that is capitalism that is western though. Now the westernization of the world is making the place uninhabitable for the human race sent here to be a part of and appreciate nature rather than subject it to humanity's petty whims. The "food" is poison, and it creates a toxic individual with a large ego but low self esteem, creating a negative feedback loop that causes a person to be docile and unthinking, constantly searching for answers to life's fundamental questions of purpose in a society that champions physical and emotional violence if it secures you money and power.
And thank you so much for putting your reference books as well. I've been into Eastern philosophy for a while and have been wanting to read about the rich history of philosophy that I know Africa must provide. Do you have any other suggestions for my steps into learning more about African philosophy?