There’s no discussion on class that can be had without talking about the anti black racism that this country is founded on and continues to deploy. Why are there more black people impoverished than whites? Why are the wealth gaps so extreme between these populations? Why is class mobility statistically less likely if you’re black versus white? We can talk about many reasons for this, as exemplified by legal segregation, economic segregation, redlining, gerrymandering, blacks being excluded from the New deal, reconstruction efforts to provide infrastructure to newly freed former slaves being curtailed by the government. Class solidarity is prevented by racist whites who cling to the idea that they are better and different than black people. This literally has historical precedent, evidenced by the fact that European immigrants who look white, were convinced by the elites they were better than the black people they used to live and work alongside, reinforcing the idea that dark skin automatically assigns you to a lower class and as long as you have white skin, you’re more deserving of success.
Yes, class warfare is ultimately the war this country needs to fight, but the war simply is impossible to win without winning the battle of racism first. Otherwise there will be no class solidarity that will allow lower classes to use their ultimate advantage of numbers to topple wealthy elites, because we will be too busy fighting each other over stupid shit like believing another person is less than you because they happen to have darker skin.