Ummm to plant the seed of change that they might eventually water? All change is internal,you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. But if the horse decides to drink because you provided the water,then that's a win for both of you. But unless the horse is provided with water, it will never be able to drink. Look, I understand your feelings are hurt because of white supremacy and racism in this country, but if you allow your hurt feelings to make your view so narrow that you are more focused on revenge then healing, THEN JUST GO DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR LIFE. You're just going to stress yourself into an early grave by not knowing how to actually contribute to a better society without the need to massage your ego in the process.
And I feel secure in my walking the talk. I hope you do as well. Hopefully it's not just from typing in all caps on the internet and throwing assumptions out about strangers words on the internet by deciding to spin them to your liking and provide your own context.
You're not acquitting yourself very intelligently, although I feel you have a high opinion of yourself due to the very fact you feel comfortable in making statements without gaining contextual information before hand.