While I agree the term has been culturally appropriated and taken out of context, to say a white person cannot wake up from a state of slumber in regards to the world's injustices makes no sense to me lol. We all stuck in the Matrix, anyone can wake up and see past the BS lol. We all have journeys to take to cure ourselves of ignorance, to "wake up" from the slumber we've been put into by not taking a thorough and critical look at what has been normalized by society. Idc if you white, anyone can wake up.
Like I said the term has been culturally appropriated and misused, but the very premise of the article, the title of it, is demonstrably false when you look at the core of what it means to "wake up" to the United States bullshit, a process that knows no color, and I'm glad that it does not because everyone needs to become "woke" if america is to be saved.