You made some great points in your response such as not only reading things I agree with (key to put life in the proper perspective) but in my (very humble) estimation, you have based your whole article on a fundamental misunderstanding of what “white privilege “ means in the context of modern society. By using statistics to illustrate that poor white people are just as disadvantaged economically as other groups, you have not “slapped” white privilege and it’s meaning away. Intelligent beings realize that race is a social construct that’s used to divide the have-nots, so the haves can continue to hoard resources. Being a have not is not solely due to your race,but it’s clear that race plays a factor in class mobility and social status.
I will say, your response to my comment and the tone of your article do not match in my opinion. I think your article should have done a better job of explaining how the misunderstanding of what white privilege is, due to a parade of misinformation from the mainstream media, can be used to deepen the divide amongst the have nots (imo,in order to keep their potential power as a united group minimized). When you use numbers to debunk a faux definition of “white privilege “, you provide less intelligent, more ignorant individuals, what they believe is factual basis for ignoring further education on “white privilege “ and what it actually is. This article seemed to be added ammo for ignorance,while your response to me seemed a well thought out idea of we’re not going to go anywhere, if we’re not nicer to poor white people and care more about their feelings about being under privileged. This lack of clarity is dangerous territory imo, as a black man.